Puzzle #5

This is a Total Masyu puzzle, a variant of Masyu. In addition to the rules of Masyu, all possible circles have been given; i.e. it is not possible to add any more circles to the grid so that it is consistent with the solution.

Difficulty: hard

Theme: Clue minimalism and logic.

Puz-PRE link. (Note: While a valid solution to this puzzle will be marked as correct, Puz-PRE does not have the "total" constraint programmed in. The solver may incorrectly mark incorrect answers as correct.)

This is one of the most stunning puzzles I've ever made, I think. The break-in is almost completely original (in that I came up with it and then found that it was already used by someone else, like two other break-ins I've "discovered"). While this puzzle still isn't MellowMelon-difficulty (it'll take a long while before I get there!), and it doesn't require excessive trial and error, it's definitely not a Total Masyu for the uninitiated.

EDIT: Twitter user @That_Scar has asked the following question:
@edderiofer Am I stupid or is this pretty easy? [SOLUTION IMAGE REDACTED]
— ThatScar (@That_Scar) September 16, 2016
To this, I respond that I don't consider a logic puzzle to be solved unless one has proven uniqueness of solution. Finding a solution may be easy, but proving that it's unique is the hard part.

Rules of Masyu

Draw a single loop through the centres of some cells according to the following rules:

1. The loop may only travel horizontally or vertically, never diagonally; all turns are right-angled turns. The loop may only turn at the centers of grid cells. The loop may not cross itself or branch off; that is, from any cell centre, there can be only 0 or 2 loop segments extending from it.
2. The loop must pass through every circle.
3. The loop may not turn at a white circle, but must turn at at least one of the adjacent cells in the loop.
4. The loop must turn at a black circle, but may not turn at either of the adjacent cells in the loop.

Below is an example and its answer.

Puzzle #4

This is an Akari puzzle.

Difficulty: medium

Theme: Tribute.

Puz-PRE link.

Today is the 29th birthday of Grant Fikes, the person who expanded my knowledge of the different genres of logic puzzles out there and thus got me hooked on them in the first place. This puzzle is dedicated to him.

Puzzle #3

This is an Akari puzzle.

Difficulty: medium

Theme: Few givens

Puz-PRE link.

This tweet refers to the previous puzzle, which I did say was trivial. So have a harder Akari, if you think Akari in general is boring and useful only for eye-candy.

Meanwhile, here's what my father said about it:
Congratulations for your new puzzle! I looked at it, and to be honest, I have no idea how to start. I just wonder how many people in this planet could solve this puzzle? How long will they take?
Answer: Many people, and 3 minutes.

Puzzle #2

This is an Akari puzzle.

Difficulty: trivial

Theme: Light Up (in celebration of 4/20)

Puz-PRE link.

For those of us who don't know, Akari was originally called "Light Up".

For those of us who don't know, today is 4/20 in the nonsensical American calendar system, a day that people who smoke marijuana tend to celebrate, by lighting up their joints of marijuana and smoking them, as well as doing other things.

For those of us who don't know, mathgrant came up with this pun, and I just couldn't resist seeing it come to fruition.

For those of us who don't know, I've stopped making my puzzles in Paint.NET and started making them instead in Puz-PRE.