Puzzle #5

This is a Total Masyu puzzle, a variant of Masyu. In addition to the rules of Masyu, all possible circles have been given; i.e. it is not possible to add any more circles to the grid so that it is consistent with the solution.

Difficulty: hard

Theme: Clue minimalism and logic.

Puz-PRE link. (Note: While a valid solution to this puzzle will be marked as correct, Puz-PRE does not have the "total" constraint programmed in. The solver may incorrectly mark incorrect answers as correct.)

This is one of the most stunning puzzles I've ever made, I think. The break-in is almost completely original (in that I came up with it and then found that it was already used by someone else, like two other break-ins I've "discovered"). While this puzzle still isn't MellowMelon-difficulty (it'll take a long while before I get there!), and it doesn't require excessive trial and error, it's definitely not a Total Masyu for the uninitiated.

EDIT: Twitter user @That_Scar has asked the following question:
@edderiofer Am I stupid or is this pretty easy? [SOLUTION IMAGE REDACTED]
— ThatScar (@That_Scar) September 16, 2016
To this, I respond that I don't consider a logic puzzle to be solved unless one has proven uniqueness of solution. Finding a solution may be easy, but proving that it's unique is the hard part.


  1. This was pretty easy. Interesting though

    1. Easy for you. You don't ever seem to prove uniqueness in your puzzles. :P

  2. Very nice logical break-in! I learned something new about loop puzzles. :)
