This is a Go puzzle.
Oh wait no, it's actually a Masyu. (Click on image to get a Masyu grid. With hope, this will work, though I'm not immediately sure as Blogspot's "Preview" option doesn't allow you to click on links.)
Oh wait no, it's actually a Masyu. (Click on image to get a Masyu grid. With hope, this will work, though I'm not immediately sure as Blogspot's "Preview" option doesn't allow you to click on links.)
Difficulty: hard
Theme: White Wins
Theme: White Wins
I made a joke when watching someone stream Go (aka Baduk, aka Weiqi), about Go positions actually being Masyu positions. Several weeks later, the idea was still bobbing around in my head, so I made this weird puzzle to go in a post on /r/badukshitposting. It also involves repeated application of a trick that should be known to all intermediate/advanced Masyu solvers.
(To save you unnecessary checking, there are no "3-white-circles-in-a-row" configurations in this position.)