Puzzle #16

This is a Cipher Hashiwokakero puzzle, a variant of Hashiwokakero. In addition to the rules of Hashiwokakero, each number has been replaced by a letter. Different letters refer to different numbers, and the same letters refer to the same number.

Difficulty: medium (not actually an Evil Zinger)

Theme: Bridge X-tension

Puzz.link link. (Note: Because Puz-PRE does not use letters in Hashiwokakero, all Xs in the puzzle have been replaced by blank islands in the link. Puz-PRE does not have the "same letters refer to the same clues" constraint programmed in, so the solver may mark incorrect answers as correct.)

Puzz.link does not support letters in Hashiwokakero, I had to manually add all the Xs in Paint.NET.

So yeah, this puzzle isn't quite as EZ as a normal Evil Zinger as I would have liked. Shame.

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